Master the high speed, high potency business energetics that fuel rapid client attraction, eliminate upper income limits, and activate wealth through desire over push

When you learn how to apply wealth energetics as a strategy in business to create the magnetism around what you “do” - you not only collapse time with money and clients, but feel the flow in your company your feminine craves

And this is the whole point - to have the frequency of your business and the money coming in to feel like ease on top of ease

What if rich got to be your baseline? 

$10k months
$30k months
$40k months
$50k months 
$100k months

Money coming in while you sleep.  Seamless selling. Soul-aligned clients saying yes, yes, yes buying from you over and over again, without obsessing over prices, call times, how many calls and if an offer is live.  You know, those questions that have nothing to do with doing the work and getting results 😉

You feel vibrant and magnetic AF in your company, because you are

Sounds dreamy, right?
It’s also available to you now

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I’ve created and continue to create a lot of success with a lot of ease - don’t get me wrong there have been moments, but in leveraging the wealth energetics you learn inside Magnify Manifest Receive I know how to have them pass quickly, allowing me to grow the company at a rapid rate

My first $100k cash month was in year 3 of business - a pace that is nearly unheard of in the industry without a big audience, prior entrepreneurial experience, or years upon years of time in the game.

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But time and audience size don’t mean a thing by comparison to

The frequency you carry in your company

What you expect to receive

Your grounded power inside all seasons and experiences in business

What you are available for and not available for

And your energetic openness, not what you think you want, but the legitimate energetic space you have for more

Frequency is so deeply important because in the game of co creation energy leads, smart action compliments, and manifestation follows

My mission on the planet is to always be a way-shower, to activate you forward, to liberate who you get to be and what you get to have in this present moment

Magnify Manifest
& Receive is a high frequency, deep dive wealth energetics activation to crush the financial glass ceilings, call on high-paying clients, sell out your offers, make miracles your norm, and have money coming to you all ways, always


Here's what my babes are saying inside the space!

"Inside MMR, it was crazy how quickly things started changing. I went from feeling uncertain about money to manifesting $14,500 overnight. I remember just checking my bank account, and it was there—like, of course. Because this is how it gets to be when you shift into full receiving mode."

“What I love about you is how you make these deep energetic concepts so simple and easy to integrate. The way you teach makes it effortless to actually apply and see real-world results. I can’t recommend this space enough!"

- Kim, Dream Body Code Coach

"Before MMR, I felt like I was just working for other people instead of truly owning my business. I was inconsistent with revenue, and it was lower than I wanted. But when I joined MMR, everything changed. My income doubled within eight weeks just from the energetic activation of wealth we did inside the program. That shift was massive for me—it wasn’t just about making more money, but fully stepping into my CEO energy and leading my business with confidence."

- Molly, Owner of Bread & Butter Digital Marketing

I am known for accelerating money and miracles for my clients, and it’s looked a little something like this…

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Breaking through a 5 YEAR glass ceiling of $1M to quickly increase cash revenue by 63% and be on the way to $2M within a matter of weeks

Maintaining two $30k months back to back then quantum leaping to the first $41k month in 8 weeks

Doubling income not once, but twice in 8 weeks

Calling in $14k overnight

$44k in 90 days in a new business

$20k month to the first $40k month

$7k month to the first $25k month

Going from a business lull to $11,500 in 4 weeks

$2k in the bank to calling in a job paying $140k/year

$10k weeks for the first time ever

$155 sessions to the first $10k+ month

$20k in miracle money for multiple clients

Successful group program launches after never having been able to have one

Pleasure and abundance as the baseline

The list goes on. 

"Before I joined MMR I was very limited in my energy surrounding money. I was linking money to so much doing energy instead of receiving energy. I was going through a major relationship transition that was making this even more difficult for me to relax into. My experience inside MMR was so expansive. Jocelyn's transmissions were spot on to everything I was experiencing in my life. It helps that she has a great sense of humor as well. I was blown away at how quickly my receiving of money changed. Money began pouring in and still is! I manifested $14,000! Yes money shows up before you even need it! What has blown my mind is that the source of money coming in has nothing to do with your * doing energy*. I have permanently shifted my mind and emotional state toward money. I no longer worry about money. It's such a freeing experience! Thank you Jocelyn for your gift!"

Kim, Dream Body Code Coach

“I have worked with Jocelyn both privately and in MMR, and have had great experiences each time. The private work was a huge stretch for me at the time, as I was in a MAJOR plateau in my career. She helped me get out of my own way, and learn to truly receive- something I had literally never done before in my life. I can say without a shadow of a doubt, if I didn't have the accountability with Jocelyn, I never would have successfully created and launched my coaching business. After working with Jocelyn, I went from making zero dollars (literally, for months), to having my first ever $30K month! Over the course of the last year, I have worked with her 3 times, and each time it feels like the lessons sink in deeper, and become more second nature to me. Thank you, Jocelyn, for sharing your beautiful wisdom!!!

Knoxy, Photographer & Business Success Coach

“I could feel that I was on the precipice of expanding a lot when I joined MMR. My guides told me that plugging into Jocelyn's energy would help me create the magnetism that I needed to create 30k-50k months which is what I was desiring. As always, Jocelyn delivered in energy and information. One of my biggest takeaways is how Jocelyn inspires me to energetically go all-in on myself and my business. And every time I do that it pays off exponentially. Jocelyn has the ability to explain deeper energetic concepts in a very clear and simple way which makes it land and integrate into my system so easily. I can then immediately apply the information and see results. In MMR, I had my best month ever, $41K!!! Jocelyn also deeply supported me around some very tough personal decisions I was making in my relationship and family life. Jocelyn models creating your dream life with no compromises and she's inspired me to do the same. I've learned to raise my standards incredibly, set impeccable boundaries and settle for nothing less than my exact dream life!”

Alyse, Spiritual Mentor & Ascension Activator

In this cash activation plan to step into:

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💸 High paying clients blowing up your inbox 

💸 Easy as f*ck launches 

💸 Elevated energy around your business, what you receive, and when

💸 Saying thank you NEXT to any and all glass income ceilings 

💸 Activation and expression of your soul’s FULL truth so the clients who are a clean match to you are drawn to you like a moth to a flame 

💸 Aligning with the energy of your desires so as to receive them with ease

💸 An amplification of your energy that elevates you into a higher frequency manifestation flow so you can align with the money, clients, life your woman craves, and knock out the energies creating mixed results 

💸 Money in your sleep 

💸 Money coming to you all ways, always 

💸 Creating from the quantum with speed

💸 Magnetic AF as your state of being

💸 Rich AF as your flow

The structure
of the container…

Over 30 hours of content to have for life plus integrative work to land the teachings into your reality

8 x potent AF wealth energetics activations plus homework with every module and energy work to code with the frequencies of ease, alignment, and manifestation flow - totaling over 12 hours of juicy content to continuously come back to

Access to Pre Recorded Q&A Calls and Wealth Energetics Riffs

Inclusion in all future Q&A calls

BONUS Inclusion in Ascendance the Mastermind for personalized mentorship to lock in your unique million dollar wealth energetics and attune to a fast, fun, high frequency business timeline

We kicked off LIVE March 18th 2025

The Wealth Activations & Energy Coding You Receive

Each transmission is truly a course in itself that teaches you the energetic and how to apply them for results. We go far beyond the surface in my world.

Transmission 1
The Energetics of Attracting Soulmate Clients Only

Transmission 2
How to Elevate Your Power Around Big Money & Big Launches

Transmission 3
How to Allow Ease to Consistently Be Your Leading Frequency

Transmission 4
Accessing Your Soul's Full Truth to Create a Magnetic Field of Client Attraction Around Your Business

Transmission 5
How to Master Embodied Surrender without “Giving Up” for Easeful Cash & Client Flow

Transmission 6
Activate Desire & Feminine Receiving

Transmission 7
The Compound Effect : How to Step Into Income Overflow

Transmission 8
Eclipse Out Upper Limit Issues That Cap Deeper Receiving

BONUS Content:
Access to Q&A Call Recordings from Prior Rounds

Plus Energetic Work To:

Step You Into Full Truth & Feel Safe Living Here

Code You In the State of Surrender

Crack You Wide Open Into Receiving

This high level course is the EXPERIENCE of RAPID client attraction.

The kind of woman whose heart will sing in this container… 

You are on the planet for enormous impact, mind-blowing income, and manifestations moving while your vibe chills out on cruise control 

You are rocking and rolling in your business and desire an influx of sales at a new level, higher-paying clients, more of them, and for big money energy to be your every day vibe 

You are new to business or starting a business, and it’s time to get your money frequency on point to call in soul-aligned eff yes clients and skip the newbie struggles 

You want more flow, more ease, more pleasure, more fun when it comes to be building your femmepire

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This can be you, sugar plum….


"Before joining MMR I was slowly gaining momentum in my business and had a few potential clients circling. Within a week or so of being in MMR I signed a new retainer client and landed a big website design job. During the program I landed another monthly retainer deal, and I was able to surpass my monthly revenue goals! Being inside the container was an amazing experience. Jocelyn is very present for every woman inside the container and I felt extremely supported throughout the process. Going through MMR gave me the confidence to own my authority in my space, show up on social media, and advocate for my boundaries with clients and in my personal relationships. The momentum has continued and August was my most profitable month yet, having nearly doubled what I was earning before starting MMR."

-Molly, Owner of Bread & Butter Digital Marketing


" I knew I needed a little juice to push everything I had been learning about scaling sustainable business over the edge. Sure enough, all that I had learned and put together in my business was truly “magnified”, and I had my first 10k month in Magnify Manifest Receive. I also experienced more ease and synchronicity in my personal life, as well as major breakthroughs with systems in my business! The transmissions, Voxer chat, and live calls all combined to be potent for my growth. I come back to the videos again and again, whenever I need a boost. Thank you Jocelyn for such a rich offering."

- Corinne, Founder of Late Bloomer Ranch


"Directly before MMR my business was going through a phase of expanding. I decided to join MMR because I wanted to be able to continue growing and I knew this would give me the activation I needed. 

 And I wasn't wrong. Even within the first module I had so many ah-ha moments which led me to being able to release a block I had around having to work so hard for money and always having to push. I had no idea how much my nervous system was dysregulated holding this belief and once I released it, it was like my body was able to go into a whole new level of relaxation and I slept deeper than I had in years.

 During the container I had my biggest ever cash month in my business. I also successfully launched my first group container, which was something I had wanted to do for a while, but only had the clarity of how it would work through being in MMR. I also raised my prices and started speaking my truth with men and in my business in a whole new way.

 I absolutely adored the container, the women were all so supportive and inspiring and every call was a treasure trove of juicy information. And I think that as a result I have a much deeper trust in myself and the universe. I feel much more surrendered."

- Nadia, Human Design Embodiment Coach


"It’s hard to put my finger on exactly what happened to me in MMR, except that I feel like all the work I’ve done on myself really came together during this program. It’s like the energetic piece was missing, and it tied everything else together. I feel much more cohesive and less afraid to show up as my full self.

The two biggest takeaways from MMR are a deep sense of energetic resilience that I did not have before, and being in community with other like-minded women. I have literally *never* been in a group with other women all interested in business, spirituality, and self-care. It felt really fortifying to my entire system to be in community with these women and you, Jocelyn. 

I just feel a greater sense of knowing in my self and what I want to do. I am far more clear on how to navigate things energetically - how to manage my energy (as a mother and entrepreneur) but also how I specifically like to hold things and what works for me energetically. 

I learned clearly how money flows when I’m taking care of myself and my body. I started regular massages and for 3 weeks while I had a sale going on, every single time I went to get a massage, money would come in and cover the cost. It got comical. It was wild to be able to ‘play’ with that and know it was going to work. I’m really going to miss MMR! Thank you for offering it, Jocelyn. Such a gift."

- Angela, Founder of The Mother Field


"Before MMR in money I was not receiving with deep nourishment and pleasure. I had too many expectations about how I was going to earn rather than allow myself to receive in ALL AREAS.

 In the container, I met a beautiful sisterhood of women who inspired me to show up to my life and to my business being able to use my voice, to stop chasing things while still taking action with what is truly aligned for me.

There is always a different path than what my mind can conceive and that is where the magic and the surprises were for me! When I used my voice to share how I really felt and trusted my gut and my own timeline, I had so much confidence! 

The outcome of MMR for me was clear communication, more money, more purpose and opportunities with people I meet!!"

- Jennifer, Child Play Therapist


Together we rise in wealth





When can I dive into the content?!

As soon as you sign up you receive immediate access!

How is Magnify Manifest Receive different than your other money offers?

Magnify Manifest Receive is focused specifically on the energetics of rapid business expansion that feels light through the many nuances of what you naturally experience in scaling a company

There is no content overlap with any of my other offers

What is Ascendance the Mastermind?

For a limited time you’re bonused into Ascendance the 4 Week Mastermind (normally $2k) for personalized mentorship to lock in your unique million dollar wealth energetics and attune to a fast, fun, high frequency business timeline

We kick off LIVE March 18th

Do I have to be an entrepreneur or service based business to join?

Nope! I have had women join who are not business owners. The energetic concepts apply across the board, and I do speak to some full time job examples, however the experience is built with entrepreneurship as the primary focus. If you are an entrepreneur, this immersion is suited for both product and service based businesses.

What income level is this best for?

ALL! As long as your vibe is, it is TIME to receive at a different clip then Magnify Manifest Receive is for you. I have had women who are just starting their businesses, who are in full time jobs considering a business, all the way up to doing $1M/year already. The frequencies, the activation, the teachings apply at all levels.

Podcasts episodes to listen to, to get in the vibes of the experience?

44. How Kim Called In $14k, Expanded Full Life Receiving & Claimed Sovereignty In Magnify Manifest Receive

43. How Molly Doubled Her Income & Claimed Her CEO Energy Inside Magnify Manifest Receive

42. How Knoxy Quantum Leaped to Her First $30k Month & Learned to Receive Inside Money Queen, Private Work, & Magnify Manifest Receive

41. The 6 Key Areas of Focus for Mastering Wealth Energetics In Your Business & Your Questions Answered!

15. Behind the Scenes of My $85k Launch

17. Interview with Jocelyn: Drop the “Struggle Story” and Find Success NOW

18. MUST LISTEN Money Flow - How to Quantum Leap Your Receiving

20. Money Business Life Transmission + Q&A Live from San Miguel de Allende

22. Investing Fears, Why We Have Them, How to Move Through & The Power of Going ALL IN

Disclaimer: We may reference our own sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of our previous or existing purchasers. Please understand that we are not guaranteeing your success, and that the results we reference are not typical or average for all purchasers. We are displaying these results for example purposes only. Individual earnings and results will vary, and depend on many factors, including your background, business experience, motivation and work ethic.